
Chemical Dependency Services - ECMC

Chemical Dependency Services - ECMC

Main Phone

Alcohol & Drug Detox

Outpatient Chemical Dependency Program, Depew

Inpatient Treatment

Primary Services
Addiction Psychiatry, Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, Comprehensive Outpatient Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment, Comprehensive Outpatient Drug Use Disorder Treatment, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Inpatient Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Inpatient Drug Detoxification, Inpatient Drug Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Inpatient Medically Assisted Alcohol Detoxification, Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Opioid Detoxification, Outpatient Drug Detoxification, Outpatient Medically Assisted Alcohol Detoxification, Relapse Prevention Programs

Offers comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction rehab services to individuals and families, with inpatient and outpatient programs to support patients with their needed level of care. All treatment programs provide state-of-the-art medications to treat addictions, as well as counseling and other support. Conditions treated include alcoholism, drug addiction, chronic relapse, and drug or alcohol withdrawal.

Chemical dependency evaluations are available daily from 8am-2am to assess patients, determine the appropriate level of care, and facilitate referral and placement.

Services include:
- Emergency Department chemical dependency counseling
- Intensive rehabilitation services for becoming and remaining substance-free
- Psychiatric assessments and follow up
- Family counseling and therapy
- Group counseling
- Chemical dependency treatment for adolescents
- Comprehensive suboxone treatment, encompassing counseling and physician visits
- Counseling for the family and friends of patients
- Dually Diagnosed Treatment: provides treatment to individuals diagnosed with both mental illness and chemical dependency
- Post-Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) Treatment: addresses the needs of patients with dual diagnoses of PTSD and addiction

Alcohol and drug addiction facilities include:
- Inpatient facilities
*18-bed Substance Intervention Program, a medically supervised inpatient detoxification unit for patients dependent on both drugs and alcohol
*20-bed Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Program, a residential program for structured rehabilitation treatment
- Three chemical-dependency outpatient centers (including one for vocational rehab)

Emergency Psychiatric Care: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Chemical Dependency Evaluations: Available daily, 8am-2am.

Open to all.

Service Area: WNY.

Intake Process
Call or walk in to the ER.

Program Fees
ECMC accepts most insurance, with sliding scale payment rates also available.

English and Spanish.

Date of Official Change
Feb 27, 2020